
Keir Starmer must sack key anti-British appointee to prove he’s not Sir Spineless .hh

The Prime Minister doesn’t seem to realise how weak his Government is and how vulnerable it is to truly crazy ideas.

Keir StarmerOPINION

Keir Starmer must prove he’s not Sir Spineless (Image: Getty)

How did we end up with an Attorney General who hates the UK and everything it stands for, a man whose whole career has been about representing enemies of the British state, who delights in criticising our sovereignty, in smearing our nation’s past and who thinks Brits in general are a bunch of knuckle-dragging colonialist racists?

I’ll tell you how we ended up with Richard Hermer – it’s because he’s one of Kier Starmer’s best mates who parachuted him into the job within hours being elected even though he had no experience of politics or political life.

Starmer had kept the appointment secret from everyone around him – including Emily Thornberry who thought she was a dead cert for the job.

And I’m guessing he did that because anyone with half a brain would have told him the appointment was lunacy and would be a catastrophe for the country. And so it has turned out to be.

Just so you know the cut of Hermer’s gib let me tell you he’s the bloke, who when he was a barrister represented Gerry Adams in his fight for compo from British taxpayers for being “unlawfully detained” during the Troubles.

Richard Hermer

Richard Hermer (pictured) is one of Keir Starmer’s good mates (Image: PA)

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Just before his cabinet appointment he was representing Afghan families who’d accused British special forces of war crimes. It’s also just been revealed he fought for compo for Al-Qaeda, chief, Rangzieb Ahmed, who was linked to 7/7 terror attack when he tried to sue the British Government for alleged torture by Pakistan.

He also acted for Shamima Begum claiming she should be allowed to return here despite dire warnings from security services. Hermer is also the bloke who thinks Britain has a moral obligation to pay trillions in reparations to the Caribbean community and worked with a group of member states to help them achieve that aim.

And most alarmingly he gave his full throated support to the scumbag lawyer, Phil Shiner, after he’d d been exposed in the High Court for bringing baseless claims a (lies) against British soldiers.


Our Attorney General not only supported this man but publicly praised him for “causing the government a great deal of aggravation”.

He clearly didn’t care about the anguish, pain and aggravation Shiner’s outrageous lies had caused totally innocent British soldiers and their families. He just wanted to stick it up the Establishment.

Shamima Begum

Richard Hermer acted for ISIS bride Shamima Begum (pictured) (Image: Getty)

He’s also helped negotiate the £18B Chagos deal which no-one wants (especially the Chagossians) save for a handful of North London Labour luvvies in Government. This guy is dangerous. One politician described him this week as “Jeremy Corbyn in a barrister’s wig”.

But Hermer’s way more sinister and dangerous than Corbyn ever was. And now those fearing he’s become too powerful and is interfering with Government policy are moving against him.

Lord Glassman called for Starmer to sack him this week, saying: “He’s the absolute archetype of an arrogant progressive fool who thinks the law is a replacement for politics.”

And hopefully this is just the start of the fight to get him out, because Hermer’s a liability who doesn’t have Britain’s best interests at heart. He can never be trusted to do the best thing for this country because he hates what we are and what we stand for.

He’s the personification of an anti-patriot which makes it even more unbelievable that Starmer ever took him on. How many more bad appointments can Kier Starmer make?

How many more people is he going to admit to his Government who are Hell bent on pursuing their own personal agendas NOT the interests of the British people.

In a podcast a couple of years ago Hermer said “One cannot begin to understand the British colonial project without appreciation of how racism impacted almost every aspect it.”

How bloody dare he? Yes, this country did some things wrong but many countries today wouldn’t be what they are now had it not been for Britain. In the colonies we established the rule of law, abolished slavery, created infrastructure, a civil service, promoted free markets, established political stability, fought poverty and brought about modern medicine. Yet Hermer writes all that off as colonialist and racist.

He’s also said he will never challenge any ECHR ruling which means that the litany of ridiculous asylum cases we’ve seen this week – criminals being allowed to stay because they can’t get chicken nuggets in their native land, a paedophile being allowed to stay because his kids will miss him, the floodgates being opened for possible 2million (possibly radicalised) Palestinians at risk of displacement – all thanks to the ECHR, which Hermer thinks can do no wrong.

This sooner Starmer kicks him out the better. And if he won’t do it for the British people he should do it to save his own backside. Because Hermer and his army of human rights lawyers are fast gaining power inside a weak, spineless government and are using the powerful tool of the law to pursue their own agendas which will make Starmer weaker and more unpopular than he already is.


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